Saturday, April 14, 2007

Dad has had a rough week following the first round of chemo. He was throwing up constantly, unable to keep anything down. As a result, he lost even more weight (now he's probably less than 120 lbs) and became very weak. On Thursday he was put on an IV to get re-hydrated. He's
starting to feel better now and is glad that the tumors are shrinking. Tomorrow, (Sunday) the doctor wants to insert a feeding tube. The problem with this procedure is the possibility of the cancer spreading to his stomach. Please continue to lift him up in prayer for strength, that he'll be able to eat and get the nourishment he needs and that the cancer will die and not spread to anywhere else in his body.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Shalom and family:

I am praying. Hang in there!
Shalom, can't wait to have you is beautiful in Colorado today...spring brings new HOPE.

- kate